Dry Eye Treatment

Our dry eye specialist is using IPL technology to treat dry eye.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or when the tears evaporate off the surface of your eye too quickly. This can lead to an unstable tear film, resulting in inflammation and damage to the eye’s surface. Over time this can leave your eyes dry, gritty, red and sensitive to light. If this happens, you could benefit from dry eye management.

Common Dry Eye Symptoms

  • Eye Redness

  • Sensitivity to Light

  • Feeling like something is in the eye

  • Blurred vision

  • Excessive tearing

  • Stinging, burning or gritty sensation

Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when the creation of a healthy tear film is disrupted. Decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation happen for many reasons such as: aging, allergies, hormonal changes, Sjogren’s syndrome, poor lid hygiene, contact lens wear, living in a dry climate or even having a job that requires increased screen time. Typically dry eye is caused by a dysfunction in the Meibomian glands, which are the glands responsible for producing the lipid layer of our tears. Problems with the creation of any part of your eye’s tear film can cause dry eyes.

Dry Eye Treatments

There’s much more to dry eye management than using eye drops. Our team will help you to create a plan to manage your dry eyes with targeted in-office treatments and personalized home care. In office treatments such as Radiofrequency, Intense Pulsed Light Therapy and Zest Lid Hygiene can treat severe symptoms of dry eye including burning, itching, redness and irritation.

Dry eye is not a one-size-fits-all type of disease, and it’s important that your dry eye is not treated as such. At Guild Eyewear Studio we take a holistic approach to dry eye in order to determine the exact cause and find the best treatment option for you. We utilize the latest IPL and radio frequency technologies to provide you with the very best treatment and dry eye relief.

If you struggle with dry eye and are looking for relief, book a dry eye consultation to see what treatment options are right for you!

Patient Testimonials

Robert M.

After struggling with blurry vision for years, Robert felt like help was completely out of sight. After being diagnosed with dry eye and discovering OptiLight, his vision has significantly improved and his eyes are feeling great!

Lauren A.

Lauren has finally said goodbye to her eyedrops! As someone with chronic dry eye, she was unable to find relief with traditional treatments. After undergoing therapy with OptiLight she was able to achieve the relief she had long been searching for.

Nick C.

Nick was struggling with uncomfortable, irritated eyes. He was unable to wear his contact lenses all day because of how dry his eyes would become. After undergoing OptiLight treatment he has all day relief, his contact lenses feel great and he no longer needs eye drops.

Shop Dry Eye Products

Your eyes deserve only the best. You can shop confidenlty knowing the products we carry in office are doctor recommended and FDA approved. You can also utilize our partner website for easy and convenient online shopping.

Use code GUILD10 for 10% off your order.

Optase eye drops. Our dry eye specialist will specific eye drops to treat your dry eye.

Watch Dr. Ashley Szalkowski discuss all things dry eye and her recommended treatment options.