Comprehensive Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam is more than just your eye glass or contact lens prescription. During the exam, Dr. Szalkowski looks at the entire ocular and visual system to diagnose, treat and manage any emerging eye conditions or problems you may encounter. She spends the time getting to know you and understanding your visual needs in order to make the best recommendations.

Did you know a comprehensive eye exam allows for the early detection of health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts or brain tumors? We recommend that every adult get their eyes checked by an optometrist every one to two years.

Your visit to Guild Eyewear Studio will always be comfortable and convenient. Our space is designed to feel welcoming and warm, so you don’t feel like you’re waiting in a clinic. Call to book an appointment for your next comprehensive eye exam and f ind out why we are quickly being called the best optometrist in the Buffalo area!